parks are for children

Parks are made for children to play. But older people dont allow them to do so. This blog is to start a movement to spread awareness about the same. In every sector there should be at least 1 park for the children. For example, there are 3 parks in my neighbourhood in which no one is allowed to play football or cricket, and for boys these are their main sports. The elderly people have put benches in the middle of these parks. The reasons for them not allowing us to play is- 

1. the plants will be spoilt.

2. the people walking would get hurt.

3. there is noise.

4. the people claiming the parks their own.

5. HUDA on their side gives them power


About rramsisaria

student who is banned from playing in parks. a threat to children. i am starting a blog to make a movement against this topic.......
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1 Response to parks are for children

  1. rramsisaria says:

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